This page contains a collection of my recent and past projects – mostly computer related stuff.
All of these projects are available as source code, where applicable. Works coded in C/C++ are licensed under the GPL and are available for download.
- Solver, a collection of C source files developed during my M.S. thesis research at the University of Cincinnati,
- Frontend, a graphical user interface for simpler handling of the model solver,
- MVT TUD US analyzer, a software for the calculation of particle size distributions from measured ultrasonic attenuation spectra
Solver is a C file for the dynamic modeling of chlorine distribution of chlorine decay in drinking water distribution networks. Developed during the thesis research conducted at the University of Cincinnati, this program calculates the solution to the underlying differential equation for a given set of parameters, and a defined starting condition, within a freely selectable time frame.
The result of the calculations is a matrix of chlorine concentration in the drinking water distribution pipe under consideration at defined locations of the computational grid. Integral values, such as cupmixing average chlorine concentrations at the pipe exit can be calculated as part of the output.
The corresponding thesis contains details with respect to model development and variable declarations, as well as instructions for executing the code.
The software works command-line driven; model parameters are to be specified in a configuration file
Besides the model solver the package contains a small C program for creating initial solutions along with the underlying computational grids.
The code was tested under Windows and Unix – the only prerequisite is a C compiler.
The FORTRAN Code by A. Bahri which was analysed as part of this work, served as the starting point for the code contained here.
Download: solver.tar.gz

Frontend was designed as supplement to solver. It is aimed at simplifying the use of the model code. This is achieved through providing a graphical user interface which allows for easy input of the model parameters. The work flow supports systematic execution of the solver by the ability to save entered values, and allows for sequential execution of consecutive model runs, which are displayed and edited in a tabular format.
In order to start the solver, the entered values are first stored in a configuration file, and afterwards a background run of the model code is being carried out. Program output can be logged in a separate window.
Frontend was written in C++, and uses the QT libraries, along with elements of the KDE libraries. Both, these libraries and the model code are released under the GPL.
Development was done with version 2 of the libraries but the program should also work with later versions. (Feedback is appreciated).
Download: frontend.tar.gz

MVT TUD US Analyzer
This software was developed as part of a project dealing with the enhancement of the particle sizing method called ultrasonic attenuation spectroscopy. Using this tool, the ultrasonic attenuation data obtained with a DT 1200 spectrometer manufactured by Dispersion Technology can be analyzed and the optimal size distribution calculated using the model of elastic scattering and the coupled phase models. The calculation is relevant for large particles. Details can be obtained from the PhD thesis and the publications [1] and [2].
The code uses the numerics functions from the SLATEC FORTRAN library.