
Andreas Richter

born 07/20/1975, Leipzig, Germany


02/2007 – 05/2008

Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Verfahrenstechnik und Umwelttechnik

Degree: PhD
PhD thesis: Ultraschalldämpfungsspektroskopie grobdisperser Systeme (Ultrasonic attenuation spectroscopy of systems containing large particles)

10/1994 – 01/2003

Technische Universität Dresden, Environmental Engineering (Process Engineering)

Degree: Diploma
Thesis: Schallspektroskopische Charakterisierung grobdisperser Systeme (Characterization of systems of large particles by ultrasonic spectroscopy)

09/1999 – 09/2001

University of CincinnatiDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Degree: Master of Science (M.S.), June 2001
Thesis: Modeling chlorine decay in dead ends of water distribution systems under generalized intermittent flow conditions

9/1992 – 06/1994

F.-A.-Brockhaus-Gymnasium Leipzig

Degree: Abitur

1990 – 1992

65. Oberschule Leipzig – Leistungsklasse

1982 – 1990

71. Polytechnische Oberschule Leipzig


11/2013 – now

Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Dresden

Research assistant

05/2008 – 10/2013

GICON GmbH, Dresden

managing of research projects, contribution to process engineering and safety engineering projects

07/2002 – 02/2007

Research assistant, Dresden University of TechnologyInstitute of Process Engineering and Environmental Technology

Handled a project focussing on the characterization of systems of large particles by ultrasonic spectroscopy, funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)


09/1999 – 05/2001

Research Assistant at the University of Cincinnati, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Performed research in an EPA-funded project about the modeling of chlorine decay in dead ends of water distribution networks

09/1998 – 02/1999

Praktikant im DaimlerChrysler Research Center, Ulm, Germany

Designed and carried out a strategy for evaluating sensors for measurements of methanol concentrations in fuel cells for mobile applications

04/1997 – 07/1998

Research assistant at the Institute of Process Engineering and Environmental Technology, Dresden University of Technology

Assisted during the design of an optical particle sensor, designed and implemented data acquistion software; Performed optimization of software for modeling pump-and-treat soil remediation processes.

Civilian Service

08/1995 – 08/1996

Naturschutzinstitut AG Region Leipzig, Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU)

Assisted in surveying and mapping fauna sightings in the Leipzig region, administered literature and survey databases

Computer-related skills

Operating systems

UNIX (Linux, HP-UX), Windows, DOS


Perl, Shell scripts, HTML/CSS, C, C++, Pascal


LaTeX, SigmaPlot, LabView, Access, office packages

Natural Languages

German, English, Russian

Other Interests

Free Softwaremusic, reading


09/1999 – 06/2000

Received a stipend from the Kulturstiftung Dresden of Dresdner Bank for a study exchange program in the U.S.A.